This is a score out of 100. If you scored every question 10 out of 10 then you would have a score of 100/100 and if you scored every question 0 you would have a score of 0/100. Everyone will get a score between 0 and 100.
The questions are asking you about each of the 10 Healthy Streets Indicators and each of the 10 Indicators is equally weighted in the Healthy Streets scoring calculator. You can read more about the Indicators and why they are important.
This score reflects your experience, at this place, at this time. Your score could be different at another time and would likely be different in a different place. Everyone will have their own perspective on the experience of being on a street. This will reflect their expectations, their current mood or outlook and their experiences.
There is no ‘correct’ score for this survey, it is a reflection of your own unique experience. However, if many different people score the same place on the same street then when we look at all of their scores together we tend to find a ‘clustering’ of scores around a certain point. This is because - while we all have our own experience and opinion that will affect our score - we are looking at the world around us and broadly we will score a street higher against these questions if the street is generally easier for people to walk, cycle and spend time on.
Why is my Feelings Survey score different to my Measurement Survey score for this street?
If you have also scored this same street with the Measurement Survey you will probably find a difference between the scores. The Feelings Survey score reflects how you feel about the street, the Measurement Survey score reflects how well this street is providing for basic human needs such as shade, regular opportunities to rest, safe and convenient places to cross, footpaths wide enough for all people to be able to use them.
In your Feelings Survey you may have considered factors that were not specifically measured in the Measurement Survey but which affect how you feel on that street. In your Measurement Survey you may have measured some things that you did not consider important to your experience on that street in the Feelings Survey.
Most streets around the world are currently not designed primarily to meet basic human needs so the scores produced from the Measurement Survey are usually quite low. People’s expectations of how streets should meet their needs when walking, cycling and spending time there are often also quite low. It is common for a persons’ Feelings Survey score to be higher than their Measurement Survey score for the same street.